5 Ways To Generate More Online Customer Reviews in 2024

5 ways to Generate More Online Customer Reviews

Are you looking to generate more online customer reviews for your business in 2023?

Online customer reviews are the word-of-mouth of the current age. Many people look at reviews from an online website to give them confidence on whether they should make a purchasing decision.

Any business owner who wants to attract more customers has to make sure that they have a good reputation online and that they get positive reviews from their past customers. Bad reviews will make your business go down but good reviews can really boost your sales. Here are some ways that you can generate more customer reviews online.

These Are The Top 5 Ways to Generate More Online Customer Reviews Today

1. Send review requests to your customers after making a purchase

One of the ways to generate more customer reviews online is to ask your customers for their phone number and email address when they make a purchase. Your customers will be most likely willing to share their contact information with you especially if they had a good experience with your business and would want to share some positive feedback.

After a week or a few days, send them an email requesting that they make a review about the products or services that they obtained from your business and how their overall experience was interacting with you. The period after a purchase is the most favorable time to ask for a review but you do not have to limit yourself to just these customers.

You can send out review invitations in bulk to all the customers you have interacted with to encourage them to make a review of the business. The key to making this successful is to personalize the invitation as much as possible and use a tone that will be convincing to the customer to add a review for your business.

This can be the most important factor in our Generate More Online Customer Reviews article.

2. Add website review widgets

This is the second factor in our Generate More Online Customer Reviews article. Remember website widgets can be more helpful in generating leads, email marketing etc. for different platform websites.

Having a website is a great way to market your business. If you are looking for website design services in Perth, then Exit Digital Marketing Agency is the place you should be as we offer some of the best web design and digital marketing services in Perth.

So you have your website up and you want to get more customer reviews. Customers will come to your site to get to know more about the products and services you offer and to interact with your brand better. Contact our team today to get your quotation

One of the ways that you can have these customers review your business more is to dedicate a landing page or to embed a widget to your website so as to have more customers make reviews. A widget will come in handy not only in having more reviews to your page, but it will also integrate reviews from different review sites such as Google, Facebook, and others.

When customers can see your reviews all in one place, then you will be able to boost their trust levels since they will find that your business is accessible and transparent.

3. Leverage on social media

Social media is a great took for any online business. At Exit Digital Marketing Agency Perth, we recognize this and among the services we offer are Facebook advertising. To generate more customer reviews for your business, you can use social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to post questions and ask for feedback from your customers. You can ask your customers to leave some feedback on the platform of their choice.

You can also install social ad tracking pixels to your site to target your audience for more reviews. Another way that you can leverage on social media is to use vloggers and bloggers to encourage your customers to leave their customer reviews online. You can ask them to encourage their followers to review your products and this will give your business more product reviews a huge boost in terms of getting new customers.

4. Make it a simple process for customers to review your business

Making the reviewing process easy and accessible to your customers will encourage them to make more online reviews. You can add some review reminders to your website and simplify the reviewing process as much as you can. Many people will overlook making a review just because they do not know how to make one and they really do not want to put in the effort to learn how to do it. Make the reviewing process as straightforward as possible.

You can use pop-ups that will lead them to the review page or use a direct link generator that will send them directly to the page and Exit Digital Marketing Agency that focuses on web design services Perth can help you with that.

5. Do a great job and be responsive

Our last point in our Generate More Online Customer Reviews article is “Do a great job and be responsive”.

A happy customer will definitely want to give a good review to boost your business. Quality work done for your customers is essential to getting more online reviews for your business. The kind of reviews that you get will depend on the quality of experience that a customer had with your business. Making your customers happy and satisfied with your products or services is the key to generating more reviews.


Honest customer feedback is essential for any business and getting more online customer reviews should be a priority for any business person who values their relationship with customers. Having a substantial amount of online reviews for your business increases brand awareness, validates your business and in the end, you get even note customers.

Remember, Exit Digital Marketing Agency in Perth can help improve the number of reviews you get online from your customers by creating a review page or adding review widgets to your website. We value our customers and we want them to establish a great platform to interact, connect, and build trust with their own customer base.

Remember these 5 ways to generate more online customer reviews can be a good factor in ranking your business on Google and also helps you to gain new customers’ trust.



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